Surgical Services

From surgery to recovery, your pet's safety is our primary focus.

You can always count on us to nurse your pet back to health. Surgical procedures allow us to diagnose and treat any health conditions your pet may be experiencing. From routine procedures to more advanced surgeries our team and hospital are fully equipped to meet all your pet’s surgical needs. To learn more about our surgical services, please don’t hesitate to contact our team at 403-457-3911.

How can I best prepare my pet for surgery?

All surgeries are different and so are the ways to prepare for them. Before scheduling the procedure, our team will walk you through the steps of what to expect and how to prepare. It’s important to us that you have all the information you need to make informed decisions. Typically, we may ask that you fast your pet for 6 to 12 hours before the procedure. Making sure they had a good night’s sleep and are well hydrated is equally important. If your furry loved one is feeling anxious or is in any pain we may sedate them before the surgery. Throughout the whole process, our team will closely monitor your pet and are here to answer any concerns you may have.

How can I care for my pet after surgery?

After the procedure, we may prescribe pain medication to help manage any discomfort your pet may be experiencing. To make sure you are both comfortable, our team will walk you through the postoperative instructions on how to administer the medication and help with their recovery. Some pain management techniques you can try at home include:

  • Keep food and water nearby
  • Adjust their bed for comfort
  • Restrict excessive movement
  • Encourage them to rest and eat
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