Bloodwork Services

Monitoring the health of your pet is crucial, as they may not exhibit visible signs of illness.

Bloodwork allows us to get a clearer understanding of what’s going on inside your pet’s body. If there are no physical signs to give us a clue, through your pet’s blood, we can detect and treat any underlying health issues your furry friend may be experiencing. To learn more about your pet’s bloodwork, reach out to us at 403-457-3911.

Are blood tests important for my pet’s health?

Our furry friends are great at many things, including hiding their pain. Bloodwork allows us to learn more about what’s going on inside your pet’s body. We can record their baseline health levels for comparison to see if there are any changes or improvements in your pet’s health over time. Through their bloodwork results, we can diagnose and treat the source of their discomfort. With the help of our in-house laboratory, we can process and analyze your pet’s bloodwork in just 20 minutes. This can help reveal:

  • Allergies
  • Underlying diseases (kidney, heart, etc.)
  • Organ damage
  • Response to anesthesia

How often should my pet get a blood test?

Once a year should be sufficient for most pets. For senior pets, we recommend having their bloodwork taken twice a year. We will also request bloodwork if your pet is sick or experiencing any symptoms and pain. This is why staying on top of your pet’s routine exams is a great way to maintain their overall health. Our team would be happy to book an appointment or create a schedule tailored to your pet’s unique medical needs.

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